Category: North Coast

Learn How to Use Bear Repellents Properly

Like us, many campers are planning an RV trip to Western Canada or to the North Shore and Gaspésie. When we go to wild places, we must be prepared to encounter bears at any time. Carrying and knowing how to properly use bear repellents can Read more…

Where to go Boondocking in Quebec in Canada and the United States?

Our Boondocking Map This map is a valuable resource for travelers, providing a wealth of essential information. It guides you to places suitable for a 24 to 48 hour stopover, where you can rest in complete peace of mind while having the possibility of making a modest donation in exchange for your Read more…

Parc de la Rivière municipalité of Escoumins – Côte-Nord

The municipality of Escoumins is pleased to provide a stopover dedicated to itinerant travelers behind the wheel of their autonomous recreational vehicles. This parking area has been specially designed to offer caravanners a welcome resting place, where they can stop in complete peace of mind while fully enjoying the treasures Read more…