Category: North Coast

Cap-de-Bon-Désir Interpretation and Observation Center

Located in the exceptional environment of the North Shore of Quebec, the Cap-de-Bon-Désir interpretation and observation center, managed with passion by Park Canada, has established itself as an essential reference for observation of marine mammals. These majestic creatures include beluga whales, porpoises, and other fascinating species. The particularity of this place lies Read more…

Baie-Johan-Beetz Park North Shore of Quebec

Baie-Johan-Beetz, a charming municipality nestled in the heart of the majestic Côte-Nord region of Quebec, belongs to the regional county municipality of Minganie. This picturesque locality, renowned for its natural beauty and tranquil atmosphere, is a true gem for photography enthusiasts. With its breathtaking landscapes, its coasts bordered by waters Read more…

Spend the night on the Pointe-au-Père Quay

The Pointe-au-Père Quay stands majestically at the water's edge, an enchanting destination that attracts both travelers from far and wide and local residents in search of wonders to discover. For those who wish to explore this exceptional place, parking on the dock of the Pointe-au-Père Maritime Historic Site is Read more…