Category: Video selection

Gros Morne in 360

Ici, nous vous présentons une sélection vidéo sur le sujet de Terre-neuve en français. Découvrez tout ce qu’il faut savoir. Auteur: Parcs Canada Des fjords et des sommets montagneux dominent majestueusement un paysage contrasté, fait de plages, de tourbières, de forêts et de falaises accidentées. Né de la collision continentale et ciselé par les glaciers, Read more…

Abandoned village in Newfoundland, so secret that only a few can visit it.

We present to you a YouTube video published and produced by The Weather Network. Author: The Weather Network The video is about an abandoned village called Petites in Newfoundland, Canada, located near Port Abbas. In 2003, the majority of residents decided to move following a government buyout, leaving behind their Read more…

NEWFOUNDLAND: ICEBERG straight ahead! (ZODIAC Tour, Sea Adventure Discovery Tours) | Day 177 of 365

Here, we present to you a video selection on the subject of Newfoundland in French. Find out everything you need to know. Author: Alex & MJ – On the GO Want to learn more about video production? Watch our free masterclass! : Hello people! Today, try our luck Read more…

HIKING in GROS-MORNE national park! (Tablelands Trail) | Day 173 of 365

Here, we present to you a video selection on the subject of Newfoundland in French. Find out everything you need to know. Author: Alex & MJ – On the GO Want to learn more about video production? Watch our free masterclass! : 5 hours of driving later, we arrived Read more…