Free camping at the Les Hilde trailhead | Harry Osborne State Forest with Discover Pass
Summary of video transcription from: LivingOurDreamNow
[Music] Melody and I are on our way to our free campsite, just off Washington State Route 20, the Cascade Highway. What is the name of the town? [Music] Hamilton, near Hamilton, Washington. With a Discover Washington State Pass, camping is free in Harry Osborne State Forest. We have arrived at the Les Hilty Trailhead, part of Harry Osborne State Forest, where camping is free with the Washington State Discover Pass [Music]. There is a parking area for horses and trucks. There are fire rings and plenty of space for all types of RVs. Please be sure to respect the environment and leave the site better than you found it. More information can be found in the video description on YouTube. Don't forget to subscribe!
Free camping at the start of the Les Hilde trail
Music softens morals, as they say. And what's better than enjoying nature while listening to music? Melody and I are on our way to our free campsite off Washington State Route 20 near Hamilton. Specifically, we're heading to Harry Osborne State Forest, where camping is free with the Washington State Discover Pass.
We arrive at the Les Hilty Trailhead, part of the Harry Osborne State Forest. This location offers free camping with the Washington State Discover Pass. It is also an equestrian area, as evidenced by the arriving horse trailers.
The free campsite at the starting point of the Les Hilty trail is quite large. There are lodges, parking areas for horse trailers, and plenty of camping areas with fire rings. Campers can also tie their horses to the posts provided for this purpose.
A sign across the street indicates that parking is free but a Discover Pass is required. There are also pit toilets on site, as well as a sign indicating the stay limit of seven out of 30 days and a dedicated section for horses.
From talking to locals in the area, we learned that the free camping site is attracting more and more visitors, including those not coming for the horseback riding. This has unfortunately led to an increase in litter left in the area, which is a concern for those who use this site for horseback riding. We therefore encourage all campers to be respectful of the environment and to leave the premises clean.
In conclusion, the free campsite at the starting point of the Les Hilty trail is an ideal place for lovers of nature and equestrian activities. We encourage you to visit this place and preserve it for future generations. You will find contact details and practical details in the video description on YouTube. Remember to leave the area clean and respect other campers. Good adventure!
#Free #Camping #Les #Hilde #Trailhead #Harry #Osborne #State #Forest #Discover #Pass